Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Internet Is Taking Over

                The article “The Web Takes Over”, By David H. Freedman from the October 2010 Discover Magazine makes a few points about how the web has transformed hundreds of millions of people. This may seem like old news; the internet being “big” and all, but the truth is that the internet is huge, and this article actually makes points about why it’s taking over, and how it’s improved our lives. I thought these points were interesting.
In the first few sentences, it talks about how the internet is making us healthier with the quick health information at our fingertips. It facilitates new gathering, people are able to know what’s going on in the world. It is an economic turbocharger, it enables anyone to start a business while just sitting in your living room. it is revitalizing politics, and it’s connecting us. I think that this is mostly true. Without the help of the web, our lives would be completely different. We wouldn’t be able to find information as fast as we can on any given day.

However, not all of this article was positive. It talked about how the web “poisons politics” and “alienates us”, meaning that lots of people get addicted to the web, causing obesity. It is important not to let the internet poison us, but help us, and do nothing more than that. It is a helpful tool for millions of people, but it is also a problem for millions of people.

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